conform config

Command: conform config

Manages the Conform CLI's configuration. Currently the only configuration value specifies where to find the modalityd daemon's API. Further configuration may be added.

Configuration can be set globally, or locally in the current working directory. If neither --global nor --local is specified this command defaults to the global configuration. When using the CLI the local configuration takes precedence over the global one.

If no options are supplied, conform config displays the Conform configuration values currently in use.

# Example

$ conform config --modalityd 'http://localhost:14181/v1/'

$ conform config
# Conform configuration
modalityd = 'http://localhost:14181/v1/'

# Options

--global - View or update the global configuration. This is the default behavior.

--local - View or update the local configuration for the current working directory.

--modalityd <modalityd> - Set the modalityd URL field. This field tells the CLI where to find the modalityd (modality's backend daemon) HTTP API. If not set, the default URL http://localhost:14181/v1/ will be used. Supports the following formats:

  • URL: http[s]://host:port/v<api-version>/
  • IP address and port: will be converted to
  • IP address: will be converted to
  • Port number: 8080 will be converted to
  • Host: localhost will be converted to http://localhost:14181/v1/