conform result

Command: conform result

List and inspect historical spec evaluation results. Each time a specification is evaluated the results are stored with a unique ID. conform result allows you to explore the results of past evaluations.

This command's functionality is exposed via subcommands:

# conform result delete

Command: conform result delete <spec eval results id>

Delete the given spec evaluation result.

# Example

$ conform result delete d4a2b595-cbd0-42ef-969a-3b5941310f86
Are you sure you want to delete spec evaluation results 'd4a2b595-cbd0-42ef-969a-3b5941310f86' for spec 'example' at version '568d8b11-6224-4b55-a0de-5421cb6b4674'? (yes/no)
Deleted specification evaluation results 'd4a2b595-cbd0-42ef-969a-3b5941310f86'

# Options

<spec eval results id> - ID for the spec evaluation results to delete. This ID is printed as part of the output of conform spec eval and can also be found with conform result list.

--color <always | never | auto> - Whether to color the output. Default is auto, which will autodetect the target output location and whether or not it is capable of handling color escape codes.

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format, defaults to text.

--force - Bypass the user confirmation check.

# conform result inspect

Command: conform result inspect <spec eval results id>

Print detailed information about the given spec evaluation result.

# Example

$ conform result inspect 44655954-4c9c-4609-ac98-88eed268c6aa
evaluation of spec "pre-existing spec results 44655954-4c9c-4609-ac98-88eed268c6aa"
[  ] segment "Run 06097324-3e86-495c-8977-bb501d72f025"
[  ]   behavior "Monitoring the heartbeats generically"
[  ]   behavior "pipeline messaging"
          [ 0 ] matches for case "The pipeline is shutting down, message receipt is not guaranteed"
          [ 1 ] matches for case "it is received by the consumer"
Failures Detected
Behaviors: [1: Passed] [0: Inconclusive] [1: Failed] (stored as 44655954-4c9c-4609-ac98-88eed268c6aa)

# Options

<spec eval results id> - ID for the spec evaluation results to inspect. This ID is printed as part of the output of conform spec eval and can also be found with conform result list.

--color <always | never | auto> - Whether to color the output. Default is auto, which will autodetect the target output location and whether or not it is capable of handling color escape codes.

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format, defaults to text.

-v, --verbose - Print verbose debugging information.

# conform result list

Command: conform result list [spec name or version]

List available past specification evaluation results. You can limit the output of this command by specification name or version and/or by workspace. Note that, unlike most other commands, this command only shows results at the workspace level, or globally if you use the --global option. The current default segment will be ignored.

# Example

$ conform result list
No explicit workspace provided. Using the default workspace.
Spec Evaluations: 5
	Result Set 44655954-4c9c-4609-ac98-88eed268c6aa from 'test' at version e8e08702-634d-477a-a649-f641b6383d3a
		Behaviors: ['Monitoring the heartbeats
			generically','pipeline messaging']
		 Passing Regions: 1
		 Failing Regions: 1
		⯃ Unknown Regions: 0
	Result Set a926c6be-934b-48ef-bf37-1db4ec06315e from 'test' at version e8e08702-634d-477a-a649-f641b6383d3a
		 Passing Regions: 1
		 Failing Regions: 0
		⯃ Unknown Regions: 0
	Result Set d0a5963b-08d4-4ae1-9c8d-3bcdafbd0f61 from 'updated-test' at version 148dee3e-c1b2-43c1-a614-b55331091bf3
		 Passing Regions: 3
		 Failing Regions: 2
		⯃ Unknown Regions: 0

# Options

[spec name or version] - Only list results for the given specification or specification version.

--color <always | never | auto> - Whether to color the output. Default is auto, which will autodetect the target output location and whether or not it is capable of handling color escape codes.

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

--global - Instead of limiting to a single or set of segments, or a workspace, show results pertaining to data from Modality's entire database. If this flag is not present results are limited to those pertaining to the current segment(s) of the current workspace. May not be used with --workspace-name.

--workspace-name <workspace-name> - Name of the workspace to display results for. If not specified the current workspace (set with modality workspace use) will be used. May not be used with --global.