How to Install the Editor Integration

Auxon provides a Language Server (opens new window) for the SpeQTr language that can assist you with writing specs.


The SpeQTr Language Server is entirely optional, it is not required for writing specs.

SpeQTr in VSCode

# Language Server Installation

The language server can be installed using one of the following sources:

# Ubuntu/Debian

Prerequisite: Ensure You've Installed Auxon's Deb Package Repo

This section assumes you already have Auxon's deb package repo enabled on your system, which, if you've installed the modality or conform packages, you have and can continue.

If not, first, download Auxon's setup package for Debian/Ubuntu, (opens new window) install it, and update your apt repositories:

$ sudo apt install ./auxon.deb
$ sudo apt update

The SpeQTr Language Server can be installed using the standard apt package manager:

$ sudo apt install speqtr-lsp

# Tarball

Tarball contents

The tarball contains the Conform CLI along with a variety of Modality (opens new window) infrastructure, example systems, and more. In particular, the Modality CLI (opens new window) is almost always useful alongside Conform to manage your data. The file structure is as follows:

├── bin
│   ├── conform
│   ├── modality
│   ├── modalityd
│   ├── modality-reflector
│   ├── modality-probe
│   └── speqtr-lsp
├── cmake
├── completions
├── examples
│   ├── c-example
│   └── rust-example
├── include
│   └── modality
├── lib
├── man1
├── modality-reflector-config.toml
├── modality-reflector-plugins
│   ├── collectors
│   └── importers
├── python
├── rust

Download the tarball for your system's architecture from Auxon's download page (opens new window).

Extract the downloaded tarball and place the file bin/speqtr-lsp somewhere within your path.

# Visual Studio Code

The extension for Visual Studio Code is available in the extension marketplace (opens new window).

To install it launch VSCode Quick Open (with Ctrl+P, then paste the following command, and press enter:

ext install auxoncorp.speqtr

The extension will automatically use the configuration you set up for the Modality command line client, so if you've used that on your system before, you don't need to do anything else. Otherwise, you may need to configure some settings in the VS Code settings UI, under Extensions > Auxon SpeQTr.

# Other Editors

Support for other editors is available as well; see the speqtr-support (opens new window)] GitHub repository for details.