modality-reflector run

Command: modality-reflector run

Start a long-running data collection process which expects to receive data indefinitely, generally from a running system or from another reflector in a chain. This command listens for incoming data until you stop it manually. Data is processed by one or more collector plugins. For details on a specific plugin see the relevant reference.


To see the list of currently installed collector plugins run modality-reflector run -h and look at the bottom of the output.

# Example

$ modality-reflector run --collector lttng-live
Ingest edge id -155236096802261428003719401702378752000
Find data ingested with this tool with a filter like:
_.timeline.ingest_edge_id = -155236096802261428003719401702378752000

# Options

--all-collectors - Run all available collector plugin processes.

--auth-token-file <path to auth token file> - Use the given auth token. If not specified, the reflector will attempt to use an auth token from one of the following locations. These locations are listed in descending order of precedence, i.e. number 1 takes precedence over numbers 2-3:

  1. The MODALITY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable
  2. {current_working_directory}/.modality-reflector-auth-token
  3. {parent directory of config file}/.modality-reflector-auth-token.

For more information on creating and using auth tokens, see the modality user reference.

--collector <collector>... - Collector plugin processes to run, by plugin name. Can specify multiple plugins. To see the list of installed collector plugins run modality-reflector run -h and look at the bottom of the output.

--config <configuration file> - Use configuration from the given file.

--ingest-protocol-parent-url <ingest-protocol-parent-url> - Set the URL to which this reflector will send its collected data. This will generally either be a URL for modalityd or for another reflector in a chain. Overrides the ingest.protocol-parent-url property of the config file.

-k, --insecure - Allow insecure connections.