# Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt install modality-reflector

Check the default configuration.

modality-reflector config
# Modality Reflector Configuration
#     from file /etc/modality-reflector/config.toml
plugins-dir = '/usr/lib/modality-reflector-plugins'

Setup the admin user

After installing Modality, the next thing to do is create the admin user

# Docker

Container Info

  • This container is intended to make it easy to run a reflector with docker run.
  • The image url is ghcr.io/auxoncorp/modality-reflector.
docker run \
  -p 14188:14188 \
  -e MODALITY_HOST=auxon.io \
  -v "$(pwd)/modality-reflector-config:/reflector-config" \
  -e MODALITY_AUTH_TOKEN=`cat /reflector-config/my-auth-token` \
  -e REFLECTOR_OPTS='--config /reflector-config/my-config.toml --all-collectors' \
  -d --rm \

Setup the admin user

After installing Modality, the next thing to do is create the admin user