modality timeline

Command: modality timeline list

List available timelines. Output can be limited by workspace and/or segment, as well as with an arbitrary timeline filter expression. You can specify which attributes to group timelines by, giving you different views on the data. By default timelines will be listed by timeline name. As an example, if your data includes an attribute for sub-system name, you could group by that to get a list of sub-systems with statistics on their timelines.

# Example

$ modality timeline list
Found 3 Timelines (as grouped by [])
  # 1 timeline instances containing a total of 2 events
  # 2 attributes:

  # 1 timeline instances containing a total of 4 events
  # 2 attributes:

  # 1 timeline instances containing a total of 7 events
  # 2 attributes:

# Options

--attributes <attributes> - Only show attributes that match one of the patterns in the given comma-separated list of attribute key patterns.

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

--global - Show timelines from Modality's entire database. If this flag is not present timelines are limited to those visible from the current segment(s) of the current workspace. May not be used with --latest-segment, --segment, --segmentation-rule, or --whole-workspace.

--grouping <grouping>... - An ordered list of attribute keys used to group the timelines. If not specified, the grouping will be by timeline-name.

--latest-segment - Limit data to the single most recent segment (i.e. the segment which has most recently received an event or timeline attribute update). The latest segment is automatically updated as new data are received. May not be used with --global, --segment, --segmentation-rule, or --whole-workspace.

--segment <segment pattern>... - Limit data to the given segment(s) rather than the current default segment(s). Accepts one or more segment name patterns, which can include * or ? as wildcards in the style of glob. May not be used with --global, --latest-segment, or --whole-workspace.

--segmentation-rule <segmentation rule pattern>... - Limit data to segments produced by the given segmentation rule(s) rather than the current default segment(s). Accepts one or more segmentation rule name patterns, which can include * or ? as wildcards in the style of glob. May not be used with --global, --latest-segment, or --whole-workspace.

--show-internal - Include internal attributes (i.e. attributes with names prefixed with internal.) in the output.

--timeline-filter <timeline filter> - A timeline filter expression to restrict the output to timelines that match the filter.

--whole-workspace - Limit data to the workspace as a monolithic whole unit, ignoring the default segment(s). May not be used with --global, --latest-segment, --segment, or --segmentation-rule.

--with-instances - Output the individual timeline ids corresponding to the concrete instances of each timeline grouping.

--workspace-name <workspace-name> - Name of the workspace to display data for. If not specified the current default workspace (set with modality workspace use) will be used.