modality-reflector Configuration File

# Summary

The modality-reflector command runs a reflector, either for data import or for live data collection. It uses a TOML configuration file to control how it operates. This file can provide configuration both for modality-reflector itself and for any plugins it may use. Some configuration options can also be overridden with command line options.

# Configuration File Locations

Each time you run a command modality-reflector will look for a configuration file in the following locations. They are listed in descending order of precedence, i.e. number 1 takes precedence over numbers 2-4. modality-reflector will not merge config files, it simply uses the highest-precedence config file.

  1. Passed with the --config option.
  2. Set in the MODALITY_REFLECTOR_CONFIG environment variable.
  3. In user config directory, i.e. ~/.config/modality-reflector/config.toml.
  4. In /etc/modality-reflector/config.toml.

# modality-reflector Configuration File Fields

The modality-reflector configuration file is split using TOML tables.

Top-level configuration to apply to all data collection operations.
  • additional-timeline-attributes
    Array of key-value attribute pairs to add to every timeline seen by this reflector.
  • override-timeline-attributes
    Array of key-value attribute pairs to override on every timeline seen by this reflector.
  • protocol-child-port
    Port on which the reflector will listen for incoming data. Defaults to 14188.
  • protocol-parent-url
    URL to which this reflector will send its collected data. This should either be a URL for modalityd or for another reflector in a chain. Defaults to modality-ingest:// for insecure connections and modality-ingest-tls:// for secure TLS connections.
  • allow-insecure-tls
    Whether to allow insecure connections. If set to false the reflector will only attempt to connect to a parent over a secure TLS connection. Defaults to true.
Top-level configuration to apply to all mutation operations. Mutation is a feature of Auxon Deviant.
  • protocol-parent-url
    Parent URL for this reflector to connect to for mutation operations. This should either be a URL for modalityd or for another reflector in a chain. Defaults to modality-mutation:// for insecure connections and modality-mutation-tls:// for secure TLS connections.
General purpose plugin configuration.
  • plugins-dir
    Path to the directory where plugin binaries are installed. This directory should have two subdirectories, collectors and importers. Plugins for the run command should go in the collectors directory, and plugins for the import command should go in the importers directory.
Information about which ports are available for plugins to use.
  • any-local
    Whether plugins can use any local port.
  • ranges
    Available ports for plugins to use. This should be an array of two element arrays, where the two elements specify the start and end of a range of available ports, inclusive.

# Example modality-reflector Configuration File

# /etc/modality-reflector/config.toml

additional-timeline-attributes = [
    'a = 1',
    'b = "foo"',
override-timeline-attributes = ['c = true']
protocol-child-port = 9079
protocol-parent-url = 'modality-ingest-tls://'
allow-insecure-tls = false

protocol-parent-url = 'modality-mutation://'

plugins-dir = 'path/to/custom/plugins/dir'

any-local = false
ranges = [

additional-timeline-attributes = [
    'a = 2',
    'r = 3',
override-timeline-attributes = [
    'c = false',
    'q = 99',

all-the-custom = true
bag = 41

additional-timeline-attributes = ['s = 4']
override-timeline-attributes = ['t = "five"']

# Plugin Configuration

Additional metadata and configuration can be provided for each individual plugin. In the table names below, <plugin type> is one of ingest.importers or ingest.collectors, or mutation.mutatators.

[plugins.<plugin type>.<plugin name>]
Additional metadata to add to timelines coming from the given plugin.
  • additional-timeline-attributes
    Array of key-value attribute pairs to add to each timeline from the given plugin.
  • override-timeline-attributes
    Array of key-value attribute pairs to override on each timeline from the given plugin.
  • shutdown-signal
    The shutdown signal name to send to the plugin process. Defaults to SIGINT. Only available on supported platforms.
  • shutdown-timeout-millis
    The shutdown signal timeout (ms). If the plugin process doesn't shutdown within the timeout period, it will be killed. Defaults to 2000. Only available on supported platforms.
[plugins.<plugin type>.<plugin name>.metadata]
Plugin-specific configuration for the given plugin. For individual plugin configuration options see the reference for the plugin you are interested in.