modality CLI

This is a list of the environment variables used the modality command line interface. Variables marked common are also used by the conform and deviant CLIs.

  • MODALITY_CLIENT_TIMEOUT: common How long to wait, in seconds, for a response from the modalityd backend. Defaults to 30.

  • MODALITY_CONTEXT_DIR: common The directory where Modality CLI settings are stored, including the active workspace and segment. If not given, defaults to ~/.config/modality_cli.

  • MODALITY_AUTH_TOKEN: common The authentication token to use for requests to the modalityd backend. If not given, the auth token is automatically read from the context dir, ~/.config/modality_cli/.user_auth_token by default.

  • MODALITY_URL: common The URL to use when connecting to the modalityd backend. The supported formats are the same as the URL field of the modalityd Configuration File.

  • MODALITY_CONFIG: The path to a configuration file for the modality CLI. Values read in this file take precendnce over those read from other locations: first modality.toml in the current directory, then ~/.config/modality.toml.

    See the modality CLI Configuration File Reference for more details.


This is a list of the environment variables used by modalityd.

  • MODALITY_LICENSE_KEY: The license key issued to you by Auxon. If not given, this is read from the modalityd config file.

  • MODALITYD_CONFIG: The path to the configuration file for modalityd. If not given, defaults to /etc/modalityd/config.toml. See the modalityd Configuration File Reference for more details.