modality workspace

Command: modality workspace

Create, manage, and retrieve information about workspaces. Workspaces enable you to create a view on Modality's database, filtering down to the set of relevant data for the operations you want to perform. This command's functionality is exposed via subcommands:

# modality workspace create

Command: modality workspace create <workspace name> [workspace definition path]

Add a new workspace, optionally giving a path to a workspace definition file. If no workspace definition file is given the workspace will refer to all collected data.

# Example

$ modality workspace create example example.toml
Created workspace 'example'
If you would like to use this workspace as your default run 'modality workspace use "example"'
	Updated By:		jdoe
	Updated At:		2022-06-23 17:47:21 UTC
	Current Version:	32206eb3-ebc3-49f2-bc71-6f812edcf9b6
	Timeline Filters: = false

# Options

<workspace name> - Name for the newly created workspace, used to refer to it throughout the CLI.

[workspace definition path] - Path to a file containing a workspace definition. Workspaces allow filtering based on event and timeline attributes, as well as automatically segmenting workspace data. See the workspace definition file reference for details.

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

--quiet - Suppress printing the configuration of the newly created workspace.

--use - Set the workspace as the default in-use workspace. This is equivalent to running modality workspace create <name> && modality workspace use <name>.

# modality workspace delete

Command: modality workspace delete <workspace name>

Remove the given workspace.

# Example

$ modality workspace delete example
Are you sure you want to delete workspace 'example' at version 32206eb3-ebc3-49f2-bc71-6f812edcf9b6? (yes/no)
Deleted workspace 'example'

# Options

<workspace name> - Name of the workspace to delete.

--force - Bypass the user input confirmation check.

# modality workspace inspect

Command: modality workspace inspect [workspace name]

Print detailed information about the given workspace. If no workspace name is specified this command prints information about the current default workspace (set with modality workspace use).

# Example

$ modality workspace inspect example
Workspace: 'example'
	Updated By:		foo
	Updated At:		2022-06-23 17:47:21 UTC
	Current Version:	32206eb3-ebc3-49f2-bc71-6f812edcf9b6
	Timeline Filters: = false

# Options

[workspace name] - Name of the workspace to inspect. If not specified this command prints information about the current default workspace (set with modality workspace use).

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

# modality workspace list

Command: modality workspace list

List all known workspaces. Print the current default workspace at the top, if any.

# Example

$ modality workspace list
Current workspace: 'test'

'example' at version 32206eb3-ebc3-49f2-bc71-6f812edcf9b6
'test' at version 6f5cf787-bddb-4f62-91f4-e836155b8e23

# Options

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

# modality workspace update

Command: modality workspace update <workspace definition path> [workspace name]

Update the given workspace according to the definition in the provided file. If no workspace name is given, update the current default workspace (the one set with modality workspace use).

# Example

$ modality workspace update example2.toml example
Workspace: 'example'
	Updated By:		jdoe
	Updated At:		2022-06-23 17:51:52 UTC
	Current Version:	60f62564-e153-4b40-a7b6-4e701c5b4ce4
	Timeline Filters:
		_.baz < 10 = false

# Options

<workspace definition path> - Path to a file containing a workspace definition. See the workspace definition file reference for details.

[workspace name] - Name of the workspace to update. If no workspace name is given, update the current default workspace (the one set with modality workspace use).

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

--quiet - Suppress printing the configuration of the updated workspace.

# modality workspace use

Command: modality workspace use <workspace name>

Set the default workspace. Many commands implicitly require a workspace-these commands will use the default workspace unless you specify a different one.

# Example

$ modality workspace use example
Using 'example' as the default workspace

# Options

<workspace name> - Name of the workspace to use as default.

--force - Use the given name as the default workspace even if it doesn't currently exist.

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.

# modality workspace sync-indices

Command: modality workspace sync-indices

Synchronize the interaction indices. This makes sure that the various index structures in modality are fully up to date with all the data that modality has received.

This may be useful if you are running modality queries or conform specifications as part of a fully automated end-to-end testing process. After the data collection stage, running modality workspace sync-indices will make sure that all the data you have just collected is fully ready for use.

# Options

-f, --format <text | json> - The printed output format. Defaults to text.